Can eCRM and trust improve eC customer base?

E-commerce (eC) security depends on a complex interrelationship between several components. Securing consumer trust is a key factor in reducing complexity and the management of eC risk. By taking a methodical approach to searching for vulnerabilities on a target system all potential intruder needs to do is to systematically attempt to exploits available vulnerabilities in turn until a weakness that can be exploited is discovered. The current information and communication technologies enable businesses to foster customer relations in a better and more efficient way. Electronic customer relationship management (eCRM) as an extension of the traditional customer relationship management (CRM) provides suitable methods and instruments. This paper discusses how to be effective in managing customer relationship and advocated trust-based approach to viewing eCRM. We also conducted questionnaire survey - to show the organisational value of eCRM and Trust in eC within multinational organisation. Furthermore, we proposed an eC trust model, which incorporates people trust, technology trust and law and policy trust. The question posed by this paper is that: how can organisations improve their eCRM while also securing higher level of consumer trust on eC?.

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