Starting from recent observations about quasinormal modes, we use semiclassical arguments to derive the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy spectrum for d-dimensional spherically symmetric black holes. We find that, as first suggested by Bekenstein, the entropy spectrum is equally spaced: SBH=kln(m0)n, where m0 is a fixed integer that must be derived from the microscopic theory. As shown in O. Dreyer, gr-qc/0211076, 4D loop quantum gravity yields precisely such a spectrum with m0=3 providing the Immirzi parameter is chosen appropriately. For d-dimensional black holes of radius RH(M), our analysis predicts the existence of a unique quasinormal mode frequency in the large damping limit ω(d)(M)=α(d)c/RH(M) with coefficient α(d)=(d3)4πln(m0), where m0 is an integer.

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