We compare recent thermal-conductivity measurements near the superfluid transition temperature Tλ(P) with recent complete two-loop-order field-theoretical calculations of the renormalization-group recursion relations and of the relation between the conductivity and the dynamic variables of the theory. The comparison involves a numerical integration of the recursion relations, and thus contains certain dynamic transients to all orders. We find excellent agreement over a wide range of pressure and reduced temperature when the complete two-loop theory is used. Neglect of any of a number of ingredients of the theory results in a deterioration of the agreement with experiment. In particular, it is necessary to use the full asymmetric planar spin model (model F) of the dynamics, and to include singular static transients in the theory, in order to obtain a good fit. From our analysis above Tλ(P), and a calculation of the second-sound damping D2 below Tλ(P) based on the symmetric planar spin model (model E), we estimate D2. As in earlier work, we still find small differences between theory and experiment, and attribute them to the use of model E in the derivation of the formula for D2.