Sodium glucuronate and glucuronolactone was fed to healthy young adults. An average of 23.4% of an orally ingested dose of 15 g d-glucuronolactone was excreted in the urine within 12 hours while an average of only 1.9% of a similar dose of sodium d-glucuronate was excreted. The excreted glucuronic acid was largely in the free acid form. A prompt rise in plasma glucuronic acid was observed after the ingestion of the lactone but not after sodium glucuronate. After intravenous administration, 42% of a 5 g dose of the lactone and 80% of a similar dose of sodium glucuronate was recovered from the urine. After feeding 6 g glucuronolactone daily in divided doses for 4 days, the total urinary glucuronic acid increased an average of 927 mg/24 hours. In the case of sodium glucuronate, the increase was 156 mg.