Systematic restaging in patients with Hodgkin's disease.A southwest oncology group study

Eighty‐two patients with advanced Hodgkin's disease who were in apparent complete remission (CR) after receiving 10 courses of combination chemotherapy were systematically reevaluated for persisting disease. Occult Hodgkin's disease was found in 10 (12%) of these patients and was predominantly present in nodal sites (91%) which were known to have been involved at initial staging (100%). Repeat chest radiography, Gallium‐67 tumor scanning and lymphography were the most helpful procedures for detecting residual disease. Nine of the 72 (13%) patients felt to be free of disease after negative restaging subsequently relapsed within 8 months. Sites of early relapse, like the sites of disease found at restaging, occurred almost always in previously involved nodal areas. We conclude that systematic restaging should be incorporated into subsequent lymphoma trials in order to define more clearly complete remission and that every patient treated for lymphoma should undergo a careful restaging evaluation before therapy is discontinued. Cancer 42:1976‐1982, 1978.