The Acquisition and Retention of Visual Aircraft Recognition Skills

Applied training research measured the effectiveness of training visual aircraft recognition (VAR), evaluated the transfer of training from static to dynamic imagery testing; and evaluated VAR saturation and retention levels in an Army unit training environment. It was found that, although the overall average gains in training were the same for the two training methods, lower aptitude men learned more under lock-stepped instruction, and higher aptitude men gained more under self-paced instruction. The VAR skills developed from training with static images did transfer to a dynamic test situation involving model aircraft which moved. Men from four batteries participated in a program in which 20, 40, 60, and 80 aircraft had to be learned in successive blocks. All the test personnel from two batteries achieved the final goal of 80 aircraft. None of the members of one of the other batteries achieved the program objectives. Variation in achievement of the batteries was attributed to differences in training management and practice.

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