Electron-Paramagnetic-Resonance Linewidth of Fast-Neutron-Irradiated (Al2O3)1x(Cr2O3)x

Electron-paramagnetic-resonance (EPR) absorption studies of single crystals of (Al2O3)1x(Cr2O3)x, with less than 0.01%, have been conducted under controlled fast-neutron treatments (1×1018 to 1×1019 nvt) near 300°K. The observed linewidth of the Cr3+ resonance has indicated a dependence on both the polar angle and the azimuthal angle of the external magnetic field. Furthermore, the center of resonance of individual EPR lines has been found to shift (0.2% at most) relative to the position of the corresponding lines before irradiation. The observed anisotropy of the linewidth can be explained most satisfactorily in terms of a random distribution of strain-producing radiation defects, and less satisfactorily in terms of a random distribution of point electric charge sources. However, the observed shift of the position of the EPR lines after irradiation is not consistent with the charge-source model. It appears that the model with radiation-induced strain as the source is most satisfactory for the irradiated samples. The optimum rms values of the strains are as follows: Δε1=Δε2=Δε3=Δε4=Δε5=Δε62=1.8×104