Adsorption of Water by Homoionic Exchange Forms of Wyoming Montmorillonite (SWy-1)

Adsorption isotherms for water on homoionic (Ca2+, Li+, Na+, and K+) exchanged forms of Crook County, Wyoming, montmorillonite (CMS Source Clay SWy-1) were measured between 25° and 70°C using a vacuum microbalance having automated control of water vapor pressure. From these adsorption data, integral enthalpies and entropies of adsorption were calculated. Both quantities were negative, but decreased in magnitude with increasing amounts of adsorbed water. For all four cationic forms of the clay, the amount of initial water adsorption at 25°C and at low relative humidities was sensitive to the sample temperature during prior evacuation of water, less water being adsorbed by samples evacuated at 100°C compared with samples evacuated at 25°. For Ca- and Na-montmorillonite, these changes were reversible after several subsequent desorption/adsorption cycles, but recovery was not observed for the Li-SWy-1 clay, probably because of migration of Li+ into the aluminosilicate structure.