A Model for Identifying Learning Disabilities in College-Bound Students

The purpose of this study was to determine if the American College Test (ACT) can be used to measure reading ability and if, collectively, the ACT, the Standard Test of Academic Skills (TASK), and grade point average (GPA) can predict a learning disability. The Pearson r was used to measure the relationship between ACT and TASK scores. A multivariate analysis of variance test and Wilks' A test was used to measure differentiation between groups and support the utilization of discriminant analysis. It was found that the ACT can measure reading ability for incoming college freshmen and that, by using ACT, TASK scores, and GPA of incoming college freshmen, a prediction can be made of a learning disability with an 84% accuracy. It was concluded that further research was needed to determine generalizability of the findings to colleges and universities throughout the nation.