Signature splitting of electromagnetic transitions in75Kr

The levels in 75Kr have been identified via the reaction 46Ti(32S, 2pn)75Kr. Excitation functions were measured at beam energies of 85-150 MeV. From n- gamma gamma and gamma gamma coincident measurements at beam energy of 90 MeV, two bands of 75Kr have been established. Spins and parities have been assigned to the levels from angular distribution measurements and excitation functions. A positive parity band built on the ground state assigned 5/2+ from systematics was observed to 13/2+ and a negative parity band to 11/2-. These bands are interpreted as built on the well-deformed prolate Nilsson orbitals (422)5/2+, or equivalently g92/(m=5/2), and (301)3/2-, respectively. The spin sequence in both bands is I=K, K+1, K+2. . ., characteristic of strong-coupled Nilsson states, but the energies and electromagnetic properties exhibit systematic deviations from strong-coupled rotational behaviour. These deviations can be semiquantitatively understood in terms of rotational signature splitting for a prolate, slightly triaxial shape ( beta approximately=0.37, gamma <or approximately=15 degrees ).