Elastic Scattering of Lithium by Carbon

The elastic scattering cross sections of Li6 and Li7 on C12 were measured at a number of bombarding energies from 4.5 to 13 MeV. The ratio of the cross section to the Rutherford cross section was determined for a wide range of angles at each energy. The data were fitted by an optical-model potential with four parameters: radius, diffuseness, real well depth, and imaginary surface-absorption well depth. All data for each isotope could be fitted with numerous sets of parameters with real well depths between 40 and 450 MeV. Data for both isotopes could be fitted using the same values for radius and diffuseness and essentially the same for real well depth, but with greater imaginary well depth for Li7. The fit holds good for all energies if a linear dependence of the imaginary well depth on energy is included. Data are also expressed in terms of the nuclear parts of the collision matrix elements which show certain regularities. As a by-product of this work, it was found that in the elastic scattering of lithium by gold the screening of the gold nucleus by its inner electrons is important for energies below 3.0 MeV.