Reproducibility of electronic cell counts in milk; a study of 5 further factors

Summary: This paper is a sequel to a previous one in which a number of factors likely to influence the accuracy of counting somatic cells in milk was assessed; in the present work the effects of 5 other factors are investigated. In a study of storage time and temperature of milk samples fixed in formalin, a significant increase in cell count occurred after 5–7 d when samples were stored at room temperature (17–23°C), compared with those maintained at 4 °C. When manual and mechanical mixing of fixed samples were compared only marginal differences in cell counts were observed. An increase in cell counts followed manual dilution of milk samples in comparison with automatic dilution. The temperature of samples prepared for counting was also studied and no significant variations occurred between mean temperatures of 12·7 and 32·9 °C. The final factor evaluated was that of holding time before counting; using 4 cell-count levels it was observed that counts were acceptable up to 1½ h.