Gastric Emptying after Truncal Vagotomy and Pyloroplasty

We have studied the gastric (fundic and antral) emptying of solids and liquids by a radionuclide method in 20 patients after truncal vagotomy and pyloroplasty (TVP) and in 10 control subjects. Gastric emptying of solids in TVP patients was similar to that of the control group (NS), but fundic emptying did not show a lag phase and was significantly faster. A significantly higher percentage of the solid fraction of the test meal filled the antrum (32 ± 16% versus 20 ± 9%; p < 0.05), and this quantity was constant during the study period. Gastric emptying of liquids was greatly hastened after surgery. In 22 min 50 ± 16% had left the stomach (versus 40 ± 14% in controls; p < 0.001). At 90 min the amount of liquid remaining in the stomach was similar to that in the control subjects. TVP accelerates fundic empyting of solids, which are transferred to an overfilled, paretic antrum. Liquids are emptied by a bimodal pattern with a precipitous initial emptying followed by a second slower phase.