Potential for evolution of resistance to pheromones: Interindividual and interpopulational variation in chemical communication system of pink bollworm moth

After an extensive examination of the release rates and blend ratios of pheromonal components emitted by field-collected femalePectinophora gossypiella (Saunders), we find no evidence of resistance to pheromones applied to cotton fields to disrupt mating. Females from fields with 3–5 years of exposure to disruptant pheromones as well as those from fields with only minimal exposure to disruptant pheromones emitted (Z,Z)-7,11-hexadecadienyl acetate at a rate of ca. 0.1 ng/min and (Z,E)7,11-hexadecadienyl acetate at ca. 0.06 ng/min. The ratio of pheromonal components was much less variable than the measured emission rate and was centered about a 61:39Z, Z to Z,E ratio. In contrast to the blend ratio emitted by females, the composition of the pheromonal blend used in monitoring populations and disrupting mating is centered about 50:50 Z,Z to Z.E. In general there was a remarkable consistency in the release rate and blend ratio among populations of females throughout southern California and those from a laboratory colony. It would appear that, although resistance to theP. gossypiella pheromone is still a very real possibility when it is used heavily in pest management as a mating disruptant, there are current agricultural practices and conditions which would hinder its development.