Follow up study eight years after diagnosis of sexual abuse

AIM To study the outcome over an eight year period of children determined by paediatricians in 1989 as definitely or probably sexually abused. METHOD Information was obtained on 140 of 148 children diagnosed in 1989 when aged 7 or less. Sources were hospital medical records and school health records. School health records of a comparison group of 83 children were also examined. RESULTS A variety of problematic characteristics were found significantly more often in the abused group than the comparison group. These included surname changes (30%v 2%), removal from home (25%v 1%), number of home addresses (2.8v 1.4), and schools attended (3.4v 2.2). Other significant findings included further abuse (35% v 0%), adverse behaviours (60% v 16%), educational problems (24% v 5%), chronic health problems (54% v 36%), and involvement of mental health services (32% v 1%).