Effect ofintensive treatmetn with chlorhexidine on number of Streptococcus mutans in saliva

Abstract – The effect of intensive treatment with chlorhexidine on the number of S. Mutans in saliva was studied in 24 schoolchildren highly infected with this organism. Chlorhexidine gel in individula dental trays was applied under supervision on two concecutive days, four times the first day an dthree times the second day. The number of S.mutans in saliva was monitored for 6 months. Immediately after treatment, the number was rreatlyreduced in all of the children. Thirty days after treatment only three children had more than 2×105 S.mutansmi saliva, and after 4 months, 11 children still had less than 2×105 S.Mutans/ml saliva. After 6 months the effect of the treatmetn was obvisous in 20% of the children. The results indicate that intensive treatment with chlorhexidine can be used to reduce the S.mutans infection. The antimicrobial treatment, however, should be individully controlled because of variations in the response of the subjects.