Pressure effect on theTcofHgBa2CuO4+δwith 0.07≤δ≤0.39

The superconducting transition temperature (Tc) of HgBa2 CuO4+δ (Hg 1:2:0:1) has been determined under pressures up to 1.7 GPa over a wide δ range. We found that the linear pressure effect on Tc (dTc/dP) is constant at +2.0±0.1 K/GPa for δTc and the ‘‘boomerang path’’ previously reported. Comparison of the present observations for δn) dependence of Tc suggests that the inverse parabolic Tc(n) relation is less universal than originally envisioned, and that the observed large dTc/dP of optimally doped Hg 1:2:0:1 and other members of the homologous series is a result of the change of electron bands induced by pressure.