Acute Encephalitis with Intranuclear Cellular Inclusions

IN 1933 Dawson1 reported the finding of intranuclear inclusions within nerve and glial cells of the central nervous system in a fatal case of encephalitis in man. Since then, no less than 33 additional fatal cases have been recorded in the liter-ture.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Although most authors agree that the pathological findings suggest a viral etiology, this was established in only 4 of these cases. In each the patient had an acute illness, and the virus of herpes simplex was recovered from the brain at aut-psy.12 13 14 15 The illness in most of the remaining cases was subacute or chronic, and the pattern of . . .

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