Pulmonary Langerhans' Cell Histiocytosis

Pulmonary Langerhans' cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a form of Langerhans' cell disease that primarily affects smokers in the third to fifth decade. Extrapulmonary manifestations are rare. Its clinical course is typically characterized by stabilization or regression of bilateral micronodular infiltrates seen on chest radiographs; progression to honeycomb fibrosis is rare. Because the clinical course of pulmonary LCH is distinct from systemic multiorgan LCH, currently thought to be a clonal proliferative disorder, we examined the X-linked polymorphic human androgen receptor assay (HUMARA) locus to assess clonality in female patients with one or more discrete LCH cell nodules in open lung biopsies. Langerhans' cells (LCH cells) were excised from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue by microdissection to assure a relatively pure cellular population, and studies for differential methylation patterns at the HUMARA locus were performed. Twenty-four nodules in 13 patients were evaluated. Seven (29%) were clonal and 17 (71%) were nonclonal. Of six cases with multiple discrete nodules, three (50%) showed a nonclonal LCH cell population. In one biopsy with five nodules, two nodules were clonal with one allele inactivated, one nodule was clonal with the other allele inactivated, and two nodules were nonclonal. In contrast to systemic LCH, pulmonary LCH appears to be primarily a reactive process in which nonlethal, nonmalignant clonal evolution of LCH cells may arise in the setting of nonclonal LCH cell hyperplasia. Cigarette smoking may be the stimulus for pulmonary LCH in contrast to other forms of LCH.