Studies on the genusBasidioboluswith reclassification of the species pathogenic for man

The etiologic agent of human subcutaneous phycomycosis was found to be a species of Basidiobolus which is characterized by the lack of a distinctive odor, by being able to grow well at human body temperature and in having smooth-walled zygospores. These features separate it from the saprophyte, B. ranarum, which has a distinctive odor, does not grow well at 37°C. and has rough-walled zygospores. It is separated from B. haptosporus on the basis that this saprophyte is not well-adapted for growth at human body temperature. B. magnus and B. microsporus possess other distinctly differing morphological features. The pattern is considered by the authors to be of the same species as B. meristosporus, a thermotolerant fungus which does not differ significantly in morphology from the human pathogen.