Cryptococcosis in a Bottlenose Dolphin ( Tursiops truncatus ) Caused by Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii

We describe the first case of cryptococcosis caused by Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii in a male Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). The dolphin showed clinical signs of tachypnea, transient dyspnea, and mild tachycardia and developed multiple hyperechoic nodules, parenchymal consolidation, and thickening of pleura. A diagnosis of bronchopneumonia with pleuritis was made. Itraconazole therapy was implemented for 120 days, and trough levels in serum were within or above the suggested therapeutic range. Titers of cryptococcal antigen in serum increased eightfold during therapy, and the case had a fatal outcome. Necropsy examination findings included enlarged pulmonary lymph nodes and extensive coalescing granulomatous lesions throughout both lungs. Histologic examination revealed numerous, spherical to ellipsoidal, mucicarmine-positive, 3- to 14-μm, encapsulated, budding cells consistent with C. neoformans. Culture of the lung tissue yielded colonies of C. neoformans. The isolate was urease positive and nitrate negative and exhibited phenoloxidase activity. It was positive on canavanine-glycine-bromothymol blue agar. When tested by the Iatron serodiagnostic reagent kit (Iatron Laboratories, Inc.), it was shown to belong to serotype B.