In vitro antigen-induced tritiated thymidine uptake has been used to study the response of sensitized lymphocytes to (T,G)-A--L, (H,G)-A--L, and (Phe,G)-A--L in responder and nonresponder strains of mice. The reaction is T-cell and macrophage dependent. Highly purified T cells (91% Thy 1.2 positive) are also responsive, suggesting that this in vitro lymphocyte transformation system is not B-cell dependent. Lymphocytes from high and low responder mice stimulated in vitro react as responders and nonresponders in a pattern identical to that seen with in vivo immunization. Stimulation occurs only if soluble antigen is added at physiological temperatures; antigen exposure at 4°C followed by washing and incubation at 37°C fails to induce lymphocyte transformation. Stimulation is specific for the immunizing antigen and does not exhibit the serologic cross-reactivity which is characteristic of these three antigens and their respective antisera. The reaction can be inhibited by anti-H-2 sera but not by anti-immunoglobulin sera. The anti-immunoglobulin sera did, however, inhibit lipopolysaccharide or pokeweed mitogen stimulation. These results suggest that the Ir-1A gene(s) are expressed in T cells, and that there are fundamental physiologic differences between T- and B-cell antigen recognition.