Changes in Pure-Tone Thresholds in Individuals Aged 70-81: Results from a Longitudinal Study

The results of audiometric evaluation of 376 randomly selected men and women, 70 years old and born in 1901, are reported. The investigation is part of a large study on a gerontological population in which the original participants were tested again with pure-tone and speech audiometry at ages 75, 79 and 81. We also report audiometric results obtained at ages 70 and 75 from a second group, consisting of 297 men and women born in 1906. Hearing loss was most pronounced at higher frequencies for both sexes, and men had an average of 10 dB greater hearing loss at 8 kHz than women. The decrease in hearing threshold in men between the ages of 70 and 81 was more pronounced at 2 kHz (27 dB) than at 4 and 8 kHz (15 and 20 dB, respectively). The average hearing loss in women increased at a constant rate between the ages of 70 and 79 (15 dB), while betweeen the ages of 79 and 81 the change in pure-tone threshold was minimal. There were no significant differences in pure-tone thresholds for women born in 1901 when compared to those born in 1906 at the ages of 70 and 75. However, men born in 1906 had a more pronounced hearing loss at the age of 75 than those born in 1901.