Roles of the lactogenic hormones prolactin and placental lactogen in mammary development in ruminants were reviewed. In contrast with other ruminants, failure to detect lactogenic activity in the serum of pregnant cows (in excess of that attributed to prolactin) suggests that placental lactogen may have little direct effect on mammary growth or lactogenesis. However, replacement and ablation experiments using ergocryptine provide definitive evidence that increased periparturient secretion of prolactin is necessary for maximal milk production in cattle. Quantitative microscopy indicates a relative failure of mammary cells in cows with inhibited secretion of prolactin to differentiate structurally. Prolactin induces synthesis and secretion of alpha-lactalbumin in prepartum bovine mammary tissue. Temporary disruption of mammary microtubules immediately prepartum in pregnant heifers reduced subsequent milk production, biosynthetic capacity, and cellular differentiation. For maximal milk production, mammary secretory cells apparently must respond to lactogenic hormone stimulation during the immediate periparturient period. Colchicine may desensitize the mammary epithelium to prolactin action. Membrane binding of radiolabeled human growth hormone to ruminant mammary gland provides a measure of lactogenic hormone binding sites. Specific binding to 600 micrograms of mammary membrane protein was 296% greater in lactating, compared with nonlactating, pregnant (65 days of gestation) ewes. Binding capacity (fmol/mg membrane protein) averaged 275 +/- 57 in mammary membranes from nonlactating, pregnant ewes (100 days gestation, n = 2) and 2,325 +/- 521 in mammary membranes from lactating ewes (n = 6, 14 to 21 days postpartum). Greater understanding of hormonal regulation of the ruminant mammary gland likely will result in development of techniques to produce milk more efficiently and perhaps capability to evaluate production potential of young animals.