A Computerized Microstereotactic Method to Approach, 3-DimensionaIIy Reconstruct, Remove and Adjuvantly Treat Small CNS Lesions

The authors update a novel method recently utilized in humans with various CNS pathology for stereotactic localization, removal, and adjuvant therapy of small CNS lesions using additional computer processing of the data from a GE 8800 CT Scanner. Multiple computer algorithms developed at Cal Tech enhance regions of interest by filtering, magnifying, color-coding and 3-dimensional reconstruction based on routine CT scans. This stereotactic approach is calculated by the computer and coordinates are mated to a modified head fixation system; small lesions can be removed with the apparatus described herein under direct binocular vision with minimal tissue damage. This technique may offer the possibility of successful secondary application of adjuvant therapy to, particularly, a CNS glioma site.