An updated listing is provided for Panamanian genera and species of Loranthaceae (Cladocolea, Gaiadendron, Oryctanthus, Phthirusa, Psittacanthus, Struthanthus, and possibly Ixocactus), Viscaceae (Dendrophthora, Phoradendron), and Eremolepidaceae (Antidaphne). Aside from certain nomenclatural changes, new records from Panama are: Cladocolea oligantha (Standley and Steyermark) Kuijt, possibly I. hutchisonii Kuijt, Phoradendron annulatum Oliver, P. crassifolium (Pohl) Eichler, P. dichotomum (Bertero) Krug and Urban, P. dipterum Eichler, P. quadrangulare (H.B.K.) Krug and Urban, P. robustissimum Eichler, Psittacanthus nodosus (Desr.) G. Don, Struthanthus quercicola (Cham. and Schlecht.) Blume, and S. aff. dichotrianthus Eichler. In addition, the following new species are described: Dendrophthora panamensis sp. nov., Psittacanthus hamulifer sp. nov., and P. pusillus sp. nov. Six further species are recognized but remain unnamed because of difficulties inherent in Phoradendron, raising the total number of Panamanian mistletoes to at least 45 species.