The Regulation of Sustained Phonation

Simultaneous registrations of the mean air flow rate, air volume, fundamental frequency, and voice intensity were performed on 22 normal adults during comfortable sustained phonations at 3 different pitch levels. The respiratory function was assessed by the use of a respirometer. The analysis of data furnished information on the principles involved in the determination of maximum phonation time. There is a significant correlation between the phonation volume (the total volume of air available for maximally sustained phonation) and vital capacity. Between 3000 cc and 6000 cc of vital capacity, the relation between these 2 factors is represented by the linear equation, PV = A X VC - B, The maximum duration of phonation varies with the amount of phonation volume and flow rate. Interrelationships among vital capacity, phonation volume, mean flow rate, and the phonation time are expressed by the equation: MPT X MFR = f (vc). Greater voice intensity is generally associated with larger mean flow rate at high pitches, while no predictable relation exists between voice intensity and mean flow rate on medium and low pitch phonations. The mean flow rate generally increases with the rise in pitch from medium to high.

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