A method for connected word recognition and word spotting on a microprocessor

In the last few years microprocessors have been used successfully in the construction of single board isolated word recognition systems. The interest that connected word recognition presently attracts, and the work that has been carried out at LIMSI in isolated word recognition, have brought us to implement a connected word and word spotting algorithm on a microprocessor. Herein we describe a speaker-dependent, limited vocabulary system using an 8088 microprocessor. There is only one training pass for each vocabulary word, except in the case of very short words, where we use two. There is no limit to the number of words in each utterance. We employ a compression method which carries out a preliminary time normalisation and reduces the amount of information used. A concise and efficient dynamic time warping procedure eliminates any remaining time distortion during the recognition phase. Real time processing is made possible by compressing and using the time warping method while acquisition is being carried out.

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