Biochemical Studies on Amphibian Metamorphosis

Thyroxine has been shown to accelerate the synthesis of carbamyl phosphate synthetase in the liver of Rana catesbiana. Stimulation of carbamyl phosphate synthetase synthesis by thyroxine appears to be relatively specific because of the fellowing observations: (1) succinoxidase activity decreased during the time that carbamyl phosphate synthetase increased; (2) liver catalase responded more slowly than carbamyl phosphate synthetase to thyroxine; (3) the ratio of biochemical changes/morphological changes was greatly altered during thyroxine-induced metamorphosis. The relationships between the concentration of thyroxine and (1) temperature; (2) duration of exposure of the tadpole to thyroxine; and (3) the activity of carbamyl phosphate synthetase during the induced synthesis of carbamyl phosphate synthetase by thyroxine are discussed. Chloramphenicol and thiouracil partly counteracted the effect of thyroxine on the synthesis of carbamyl phosphate synthetase.