Juvenile basal fibromas of the nasopharynx comprise one of the most interesting groups of neoplasms encountered in the upper part of the respiratory tract. Their definite predilection for age and sex and their limited and comparatively inaccessible site of origin, extreme vascularity, tendency toward spontaneous regression and benign histologic structure, yet potential seriousness, render them unique among tumors of the nose and throat. From Jan. 1, 1910, to Jan. 1, 1940, sixty-three patients having fibromas of the nasopharynx have been examined at the Mayo Clinic. In 1924 New and I1reported thirty-two of these cases seen between 1910 and 1923 inclusive. Thirty-one additional patients who had this condition have been encountered since 1923. The entire group of sixty-three cases includes only patients who had fibromas of the juvenile basal type. The group excludes choanal polyps, periosteal fibromas, fibrosarcomas and other forms of fibrous tumors. Juvenile basal fibromas of the