The average number of kinks of a short polyelectrolyte chain: A Monte Carlo study

An interesting connection between the mean straight length 〈ls〉 and the defined average number of kinks 〈nkink〉 in a polyelectrolyte chain configuration is found and described. 〈nkink〉 is found to be the dominant parameter throughout the entire range of the Bjerrum length λ and very sensitive to salt concentration. Identification of λm where (nkink values for various chain lengths coincide, as a percolation threshold is suggested. Considering the kink as a bond, it is found to be much more significant than the contacts described in a previous article as a new type of bonds. It is shown that the family of the physical statistical bonds includes not only contacts but also kinks. The kink fraction in a chain and the effective screening of 〈nkink〉 are defined and described for various values of λ. Through the use of these new parameters, pronounced size effects appear clearly. A connection between polymer systems and molecular cluster systems is proposed.