Extinction coefficients in the far ultra-violet for the following substances have been determined: Liquid water from 1900 A to 1600 A, sulfuric acid (0.4 [image] to 0.001 [image]), sodium sulfate (0.25 [image]to 0.010 M), ethyl acetate (0.75 [image] to 0.030 [image]), methyl alcohol (24.6[image] to 0.12 [image]), formic acid (26.5 [image]), sodium formate (10-3 [image] to 10''1 [image]),and perchloric acid (0.087 [image] to 0.87 [image]) from 1849 A and/or between 1800 and 1900 A The extinction coefficients of sulfuric acid, methyl alcohol and formic acid show a dependence on concentration, whereas the other solutes studied do not. For water at 1849 A and 25[degree]C, a value for k(cm''1) of 1.80(+0.01) was obtained. This is somewhat higher than previously reported values.