Mode of action of natural growth inhibitors in radish hypocotyl elongation – influence of raphanusanin on auxin‐mediated microtubule orientation

Raphanusanin is a plant growth‐inhibiting substance which plays an important role in light growth inhibition and phototropism of radish hypocotyls. We investigated the effect of raphanusanin on indole‐3‐acetic acid (IAA)‐mediated orientation of microtubules (MT) in the outer epidermal cells of radish hypocotyl segments using immunofluorescence microscopy. IAA‐mediated MT reorientation preceded cell elongation induced by IAA. A change of IAA‐mediated MT orientation from longitudinal to transverse started within less than 15 min after IAA treatment, while significant growth promotion induced by IAA was found within about 30 min. The IAA‐mediated transverse MT orientations were significantly inhibited by simultaneously added raphanusanin. We also investigated the effect of raphanusanin on the MT orientation of the segments pretreated with IAA. The change of MT orientation induced by raphanusanin preceded growth inhibition of the segments. Within about 60 min after its application, raphanusanin initiated inhibition of the steady‐state elongation pre‐induced by IAA, while IAA‐mediated transverse MT orientations started to change into longitudinal orientations within less than 30 min after application of raphanusanin. Based on these results, it is suggested that raphanusanin induces growth inhibition through interference with the auxin‐mediated MT orientations.