Rogoff, Martin H. (U.S. Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa.). Oxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by soil pseudomonads. J. Bacteriol. 83: 998–1004. 1962.—Substitution of phenanthrene by a methyl group at the 9-carbon blocks oxidation of the compound by a resting-cell suspension of a phenanthrene-grown soil pseudomonad. When 2-methylphenanthrene is provided, the oxidation rate is considerably higher; 3-methylphenanthrene is oxidized at a rate intermediate between the other two, even though the methyl group is attached to a carbon directly involved in ring splitting. Cells grown on naphthalene or anthracene oxidize phenanthrene at a much lower rate than cells grown with phenanthrene or 2-methylnaphthalene as the source of carbon. Naphthalene-grown cells also absorb less phenanthrene from aqueous solution than do their phenanthrene-grown counterparts. The data are in keeping with the hypothesis that polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons attach to the relevant bacterial enzymes at carbon-carbon bonds of high electron density (K regions; localized double bonds), and that the ring-splitting reactions then occur at other bonds on the substrate molecule. The actual bond that undergoes fission is determined by the electronic and steric configurations of the enzyme-substrate complex. When linearly arranged aromatic compounds such as naphthalene or anthracene are attacked, attachment to an enzyme and ring splitting may take place on the same ring; angular aromatic compounds such as phenanthrene afford attachment to an enzyme at a bond in a ring other than the one containing the ring-splitting site.