Visual Function in Recovered Ethambutol Optic Neuropathy

The visual acuity of the patient with ethambutol optic neuropathy will recover within 3 to 4 months after discontinuing the drug. We studied the extent of the recovery of other visual functions. Thirty-six axial type ethambutol optic neuropathy patients, who visited our neuroophthalmology clinic from January, 1990, to December, 1993, were included in this study. Fifteen patients (29 eyes) regained their visual acuity to better than 1.0. The average followup period following the recovery is 21.7 months. Pattern reversal VEP, Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue color vision test, critical flicker frequency (CFF), visual field perimetry, contrast sensitivity and edge-light pupil cycle time were assessed for every affected eye. Latency (P100) of visually evoked potential was delayed in 34.5% (10/29) of eyes. In color vision, 48.3% (14/29) of eyes had deutan or tritan defect. An abnormality of red CFF with value lower than 31 Hz was revealed 51.7% (15/29) eyes. In the visual field, 58.6% (17/29) of eyes had paracentral scotoma, arcuate scotoma, or enlargement of physiologic blind spot. Contrast sensitivity was depressed in 62.1% (18/29) of eyes, mainly at middle and low spatial frequency. Pupil cycle time was prolonged in 72.4% (21/29) of eyes. Aside from visual acuity, other visual functions of the recovered ethambutol optic neuropathy patients were incomplete. The extent of recovery of the visual function is as follows: visual acuity-VEPs-color sense-CFF-visual field-contrast sensitivity-pupil cycle time.