Cell wall pectins and xyloglucans are internalized into dividing root cells and accumulate within cell plates during cytokinesis

Recently, we have reported that cell wall pectins are internalized into apical meristem root cells. In cells exposed to the fungal metabolite brefeldin A, all secretory pathways were inhibited, while endocytic pathways remained intact, resulting in accumulation of internalized cell wall pectins within brefeldin A-induced compartments. Here we report that, in addition to the already published cell wall epitopes, rhamnogalacturonan I and xyloglucans also undergo large-scale internalization into dividing root cells. Interestingly, multilamellar endosomes were identified as compartments internalizing arabinan cell wall pectins reactive to the 6D7 antibody, while large vacuole-like endosomes internalized homogalacturonans reactive to the 2F4 antibody. As all endosomes belong topographically to the exocellular space, cell wall pectins deposited in these “cell wall islands”, enclosed by the plasma-membrane-derived membrane, are ideally suited to act as temporary stores for rapid formation of cell wall and generation of new plasma membrane. In accordance with this notion, we report that all cell wall pectins and xyloglucans that internalize into endosomes are highly enriched within cytokinetic cell plates and accumulate within brefeldin A compartments. On the other hand, only small amounts of the pectins reactive to the JIM7 antibody, which are produced in the Golgi apparatus, localize to cell plates and they do not accumulate within brefeldin A compartments. In conclusion, meristematic root cells have developed pathways for internalization and recycling of cell wall molecules which are relevant for plant-specific cytokinesis.