IN THIS paper we describe a new treatment for hearing disorders. It consists of a combination of amino acids and vitamins. Quick response and lasting improvement have resulted from the use of this medication. PHARMACOLOGIC COMMENT A year previous to this experiment one of us (Dr. Jacobson) combined amino acids and vitamins in order to increase the effect of the vitamin action.1 Before this, amino acids had been used only in hypoproteinemia, shock, postoperative conditions and severe starvation. However, it was found that vitamins in combination with protein and amino acids catalyze many important body reactions (oxidations, reductions), play an important role in many enzymes containing vitamins and facilitate many metabolic transformations as co-enzymes. Northrop,2 Baumann and Stare3 and Heidelberger,4 among others, have reported on these relationships between enzymes, co-enzymes and vitamins. The medication was applied in two different ways. In the first, 2 cc. ampules containing thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine,