A 100‐kv coaxial cable square‐wave generator producing a 2000‐amp, 3‐μsec duration, 6‐mμsec rise time, current pulse has been constructed for the study of exploding wires. Unlike conventional capacitor current sources the circuit behavior is described by algebraic rather than nonlinear differential equations, thus allowing easier and surer interpretation of results. Using coaxial‐cable techniques for the entire system also provides mμsec resolution of current and voltage wave forms. The system features an output timing pulse, occurring 1.5±0.005 μsec prior to the beginning of the wire explosion which provides triggering for oscilloscopes and for a 5‐mμsec exposure time Kerr‐cell camera. The electrical isolation of the output trigger pulse from the monitored signal also eliminates wave form distortion produced by trigger circuit loading and signal delay.

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