Normal hepatic and splenic size in children: scintigraphic determination

Measurements were made on sulfur colloid scintigrams of normal pediatric livers and spleens by analyzing 131 scans from 116 patients referred for liver or spleen trauma. Studies were used only if scans were normal, there was no history of malignancy or hepatic or splenic disease either prior to of after the study. Linear correlation was made with age, weight and both age and weight. All measured parameters correlated better with weight than with age, with vertical liver dimension exhibiting the best correlation (r=0.848). Multivariate analysis demonstrated uniformly better correlation of all measurements with both age and weight. Spleen and liver volumes were calculated assuming simple geometry, and showed excellent correlations. Graphical presentation of data will be useful in the clinical determination of hepatomegaly or splenomegaly in routine scintigraphy.