Quantitative assessment of diagnostic ability

This paper describes variables critical to diagnostic thinking that are based on research by Bordage and Grant & Marsden on the diagnostic thinking of medical students and experienced doctors. The purpose of the study is to use their findings to develop an inventory of diagnostic thinking. A 56-item diagnostic thinking inventory was initially developed; each item contains a stem followed by a 6-point, semantic differential scale. The inventory is designed to measure two aspects of diagnostic thinking: the degree of flexibility in thinking and the degree of knowledge structure in memory. The specific goal of the study is to determine which items discriminate best between weaker and stronger diagnosticians and to reduce the inventory to only those items which significantly contribute to the overall score. Thirty subjects from nine groups, each representing a distinct phase of medical education and clinical practice, participated, namely first- and third-year clinical medical students, house officers, senior house officers, registrars, senior registrars, consultants, trainees in general practice, and general practitioners, all from the UK (n = 270). Discrimination indices were calculated for each item. The revised version of the inventory contains 41 items. All the subjects found the exercise meaningful and the resulting scores showed variance and discrimination. The inventory will eventually be used to assess individual student's and clinician's diagnostic thinking and to plan ways of improving their diagnostic thinking.