Periodontal aspects of restorative dentistry

Summary: Current trends in periodontal aspects of restorative dentistry are: (1) Supragingival placement of margins of restorations. (2) Avoidance of overcontoured restoration, and minimal concern with lack of contour. (3) Search for occlusal stability or self‐limited movement patterns of teeth through precise occlusal adjustment and accurate reconstruction of occlusal anatomy in single restorations. (4) Restricted indications for splinting of mobile teeth. (5) Hemisection with fixed bridges in cases of extensive bifurcation involvement. (6) Restricted indications for replacement of lost molars.The purpose of restorative dentistry is to restore and maintain health and functional comfort of the natural dentition combined with satisfactory aesthetic appearance. Thus, all dental restorations should comply with established requirements for periodontal physiology and health, both with regard to surface and functional characteristics.

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