A mathematical model of intravascular coagulation is presented; it encompasses the biochemistry of the tissue factor pathway, platelet activation and deposition on the subendothelium, and flow- and diffusion-mediated transport of coagulation proteins and platelets. Simulation experiments carried out with the model indicate the predominant role played by the physical processes of platelet deposition and flow-mediated removal of enzymes in inhibiting coagulation in the vicinity of vascular injury. Sufficiently rapid production of factors IXa and Xa by the TF:VIIa complex can overcome this inhibition and lead to formation of significant amounts of the tenase complex on the surface of activated platelets and, as a consequence, to substantial thrombin production. Chemical inhibitors are seen to play almost no (TFPI) or little (AT-III and APC) role in determining whether substantial thrombin production will occur. The role of APC is limited by the necessity for diffusion of thrombin from the site of injury to nearby endothelial cells to form the thrombomodulin-thrombin complex and for diffusion in the reverse direction of the APC made by this complex. TFPI plays an insignificant part in inhibiting the TF:VIIa complex under the conditions studied whether its action involves sequential binding of TFPI to Xa and then TFPI:Xa to TF:VIIa, or direct binding of TFPI to Xa already bound to the TF:VIIa complex.