Single Crystal Preparation of Ba2YCu3Ox from Nonstoichiometric Melts

Single crystals of Ba2YCu3O x were grown from nonstoichiometric melts in the system Ba-Y-Cu-O. From the melt having the composition BaO:YO1.5:CuO = 12:1:26, single crystals in rectangular form with the size up to 0.5 mm were grown together with thin plates up to 2 mm with the thickness of about 30 µm. They have tetragonal symmetry with the cell parameters a = 3.862 Å and c = 11.80 Å. The measurement of the electrical resistivity revealed that their resistivity was about 4 Ωcm at room temperature and that the superconducting transition did not occur down to 65 K.

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