Coordination of Grip Configurations as a Function of Force Output

In this investigation, the authors examined the coordination and control of force production by the digits of the hand as a function of criterion force level and grip configuration. Each adult participant (N = 6: 3 men and 3 women) was required to place the thumb and a finger (or fingers) upon load cells that were fixed to a grasping apparatus that was clamped to a table. In the task, participants had to match a criterion continuous constant total force level displayed on a computer screen. There were 10 trials at each grip configuration and criterion force level combination on each of 3 consecutive days. The results showed that (a) different grip configurations minimized error at each force level; (b) there was a specific digit pairing within a given grip configuration that produced the highest correlation of force output; (c) the correlation between the force output of digits generally increased at higher force levels; (d) error was reduced at each force level and grip configuration over the practice period; and (e) the organization of the force output of each digit varied as a function of digit, force level, grip configuration, and practice. The findings are consistent with the hypothesis that coordination of the digits in prehension is reflective of an adaptive, task-specific solution that is modified with practice.