Making use of the electron microscope the author has attempted to determine whether the structure of the chloroplasts in algae has taxonomic significance. Chloroplasts were studied in a total of 25 spp. and 9 divisions. All divisions except the Cyanophyta and Glaucophyta have chloroplasts. Those with chloroplasts were classified into several groups based upon the lamellae structure of their chloroplasts. The groups are: (1) chloroplasts with 2 lamellate layers-Rhodophyta; (2) chloroplasts with 4 lamellate layers - Phaeophyta, Pyrrophyta, Chrysophyta and Euglenophyta; (3) chloroplasts with grana-like structure - Charophyta and Chlorophyta. These groups can be subdivided on the basis of the presence or absence of pyrenoids. Pyrenoids are classified into 5 types in relation to their lamellae and the assimilation products they contain.