Precision Measurement of Neutrino Oscillation Parameters with KamLAND

The KamLAND experiment has determined a precise value for the neutrino oscillation parameter Δm212 and stringent constraints on θ12. The exposure to nuclear reactor antineutrinos is increased almost fourfold over previous results to 2.44×1032protonyr due to longer livetime and an enlarged fiducial volume. An undistorted reactor ν¯e energy spectrum is now rejected at >5σ. Analysis of the reactor spectrum above the inverse beta decay energy threshold, and including geoneutrinos, gives a best fit at Δm212=7.580.13+0.14(stat)0.15+0.15(syst)×105eV2 and tan2θ12=0.560.07+0.10(stat)0.06+0.10(syst). Local Δχ2 minima at higher and lower Δm212 are disfavored at >4σ. Combining with solar neutrino data, we obtain Δm212=7.590.21+0.21×105eV2 and tan2θ12=0.470.05+0.06.