Prevalence of Influenza Vaccination and Correlates of Intention to Be Vaccinated Among Hong Kong Chinese

Objectives: To explore influenza vaccination rates and investigate correlates of intention to be vaccinated among adults attending a Hong Kong outpatient clinic. Design: Descriptive cross-sectional survey. Sample: Convenience sample of adults attending outpatient clinic (452 participants). Method: Self-administered written questionnaire including socio-demographic items, health items, influenza vaccination history, and questions based on the Health Belief Model and Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Causes in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation framework. Results: The response rate was 78.9%. Of the participants, 27% had been vaccinated in the past year; 51% reported intention to be vaccinated this year. Intention to be vaccinated did not vary according to gender, marital status, occupation, or household income. In adjusted logistic regression analysis, intention to be vaccinated was significantly associated with chronic disease, having received the flu shot in the previous year, perceived susceptibility (“I am likely to get the flu if I do not get a yearly flu shot”), and reinforcing factors (“My family encouraged me to get a flu shot last year” and “My doctor encouraged me to get a flu shot last year”). Conclusions: The government can successfully promote vaccination by educating the public about susceptibility to flu and the benefits of vaccination, by publicizing locations where vaccinations are available, and by having family and physicians encourage patients to be vaccinated.