Experimental Obstructive Hydronephrosis in Newborn Rats. XI. A One-Year Follow-Up Study of Renal Function and Morphology.

Partial obstruction of the left ureter was created in two-day-old rats and its effects on kidney function were studied with 99mTc-DMSA and 99mTc-DTPA after one, two, three and six weeks, and after one year. Kidneys from animals sacrificed at the age of six weeks or one year were also examined histologically. The obstructed renal pelvis was enlarged by about 35 times and there was a delayed excretion of 99mTc-DTPA during forced diuresis, indicating signficant, chronic obstruction. The renal DMSA-uptake ratio (left kidney/(left and right kidney)) was reduced to about 40% from the first week of obstruction. The parenchymal weight ratio (expressed as above) was reduced to about 45% after both six weeks and one year. The glomerular filtration rate, examined during forced diuresis and calculated on the basis of uptake capacity, was lowered to 42% after six weeks but was not significantly reduced after one year of obstruction. The incidence figures for medullary hemorrhage or accumulation of iron pigment, and chronic inflammatory changes in the cortex were somewhat higher after one year of obstruction than after 6 weeks, but the lesions were patchy in both groups. We conclude that partial unilateral obstruction, created in the neonatal period, leads to a slight but permanent functional disturbance and parenchymal weight reduction without prominent structural parenchymal damage.