Alkylacyl glycerophosphoinositol in human and bovine erythrocytes

Glycosyl-inositolphospholipid (glycosyl-PtdIns) anchors of proteins in mammalian cells which have been analyzed so far are exclusively of the alkylacyl type. However, little is known about the putative precursor of glycosyl-PtdIns, the alkylacyl derivative of glycerophosphoinositol (GroPIns), in these cells since it is generally believed that cellular GroPIns consists of diacyl-type molecular species only. In this report, we describe the isolation and identification of alkylacyl GroPIns molecular species in both human and bovine erythrocytes, and compare it with the molecular species compositions of the glycosyl-PtdIns anchors of human and bovine erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase. Diradyl GroPIns was isolated from lipid extracts of ghost membranes and treated with phospholipase C. Diradylglycerols of the glycosyl-PtdIns anchors of affinity-purified human and bovine erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase were generated by sequential treatment with glycoprotein phospholipase D and acidic phosphatase and by PtdIns-specific phospholipase C, respectively. Diradylglycerols were subsequently converted into benzoate derivatives and separated into diacyl, alkylacyl, and alkenylacylglycerol subclasses. The molecular species compositions were quantitated and determined by combined HPLC/mass spectrometry. We found that human and bovine erythrocyte membrane diradyl GroPIns consist of 1.5–4.8% alkylacyl GroPIns. Molecular species analysis showed a heterogeneous species composition for both human and bovine erythrocyte alkylacyl GroPIns. Their compositions are distinctly different from those of human and bovine erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase glycosyl-PtdIns anchors. The number of alkylacyl GroPIns molecules/cell is roughly equal with the number of glycosyl-PtdIns-anchored proteins in human erythrocytes.