Adsorption of Gases on Solid Surfaces

Metal surfaces have for a long time been and still are in the focus of experimental and theoretical activities in surface science. One has started to understand in some detail the interaction of gases with respect to structural and dynamical aspects. Non‐metallic substrates on the other hand have only recently received more attention and corresponding studies have been started. In view of the importance of compound surfaces in many fields, including catalysis, this development is not unexpected. We review our efforts in the field of surface science studies of oxide surfaces and emphasize in addition to clean oxide surfaces also metal modified surfaces as a model towards the study of complex systems which are typical for catalysts. In addition to studies of the geometric and electronic structure of compound surfaces we also cover investigations of adsorbate dynamics reporting on newly designed experiments on the basis of magnetic resonance as well as on laser‐induced desorption studies. In the latter investigations we have probed spatially resolved the time‐of‐flight distributions of molecules in individual quantum states as they leave the oxide surface.